Sunday, December 5, 2010

This is how you do it

So I'm finally "working" am I? Killing off those mana wyrms wasn't good enough for you, was it? I better get more than a snazzy belt from this, madame Maxim, or whoever the hell you are. Oh, wait, wow, look at that. Mail already?


 <3 I love you Blizzard

So hey, I heard you needed to get stuff done... I'm your man. I've fought Mana Wyrms you know. I'm a hero.

I can forgive Jim's eagerness to include strange glowing eyes when I see this. Game is 6 years old, and still it kicks my ass whenever I look at the amazing vistas.


BALAGASH AND A LORRY! Whew, almost died there. Where did that tiger-mom come from?

Quest log coming along. Still waiting for those greys that lingers at the bottom forever and ever...

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