Sunday, December 5, 2010

Last post

Wow, this is pretty out-of-place for a shrine. 

Gods bless whoever this douche was. Let's make him a martyr and put his memorial in the middle of fucking nowhere.  

Why don't you tend to THIS, huh!? ZING!

Wait, are that those fucking eyes again?

Jim, I salute your dedication to your boss's visions, but seriously... this isn't creepy, it's just stupid-looking. 

Yeah, okay... I'm gonna go look for my girlfriend now. 
Hey, did you just hit on me? 

Look, I'm just trying to find my girlfriend. She's jay high, wears her hair in a pony-tail, joined up with the Paladins not too long ago... 

Oh well off to kill more monsters I guess. 

DING... :/ 

I know it's supported by magic but seriously. These buildings have NO practical application. Where do they sleep? Why aren't there any tables or chairs? Not even a freakin' book-case! 

As I was saying... 

Oh, wow, right, ding. Woo. I dunno, this seemed important at the time.

Oh hey there's a guy there. Bla bla suffering, mourn, whatever. You're just a stepping stone to my greatness. 

So, what about those Mana Wyverns, amirite? 

So I got a bow. That's fantastic. I'm sure someone'll have some better use for it. Maybe my mentor who's like... one level above me.  


Poor Outrunner. Doomed to lie here until the end of times. Or until someone actually decides to brave the lvl 5-6 enemies and bury her. 

So, the profession system seems to have been severely simplified. That's great actually, no more running to this out-of-the-way city to upgrade jewelcrafting... right?

Burn, you filthy urchins. BURN FOR MY AMBITION!

I found what now? This statue? Yeah, it must've been a dreadful loss to our culture.

Oh hey, he's right there in the middle of it all... this is gonna take some finesse...

Well shit. For those curious, I made it out of this fight with almost full health, they attacked my poor imp.


Who is this guy and what do I do to be like him?

Yeah... uh... sorry, bub.

New, fancy dress. Yay, finally out of those old rags.

Until next time... maybe I'll have some fucking structure to all this.

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